Tamura 3 parameter (Heterogeneous patterns)

Tamura’s 3-parameter model corrects for multiple hits, taking into account the differences in transitional and transversional rates and the G+C-content bias (1992). It assumes an equality of substitution rates among sites. When the G+C-contents are different between the sequences, the modified formula (Tamura and Kumar 2002) relaxes the assumption of substitution pattern homogeneity.


The Tamura 3-parameter model



MEGA provides facilities for computing the following quantities:



d: Transitions & Transversions

Number of nucleotide substitutions per site.

s: Transitions only

Number of transitional substitutions per site.

v: Transversions only

Number of transversional substitutions per site.

R = s/v

Transition/transversions ratio.

L: No of valid common sites

Number of sites compared.


Formulas for computing these quantities are as follows:



where P and Q are the proportion of sites with transitional and transversional differences, respectively, and


The variances can be estimated by the bootstrap method. .